Sunday, September 28, 2014

Something New – Culture #1

Since I arrived in the United States I saw a lot of differences between here and Brazil, but the people are the ones that surprised me. Americans are, different than I expected, very friendly and helpful. They try to understand me because my English isn’t so good and they also speak slowly for me if I ask to, so I am very glad to have success to communicate.
One challenge that I have here is the food, it is so different from Brazil. However, I’m getting used to the food, even if have hamburgers or pizzas I try to take something more healthy. I miss the rice and beans from Brazil, the beans here are sweet.
Other thing that is different is the time, even if is two-hours difference from my city in Brazil, what surprised me most was the time to dinner. The Americans have dinner early the night, like 6:00 p.m. and in Brazil I was used to dinner at 8:30 – 9:00 p.m. Nevertheless, I am getting used to it too.
Yesterday I went to a nightclub and it was interesting, it`s a little different from Brazil. It was a lot of fun, almost all Brazilians were there. The biggest difference is the dance style, in Brazil the parties play a lot of styles of music in just one party, but here it was only one kind of music to dance.
                I can’t say all the differences between Brazil and America but these are some of the things that I thought about.


Sunday, September 21, 2014


Why you have to do Prewriting?

I don’t have the habit of making Prewriting when I write a paper but from now on I will start to make it. I think the best advantage of Prewriting is that it will make easier to you write a good paper. To learn about the importance of Prewriting for who is writing I made a summary about an article on this subject.


Prewriting it is a very important step when you are writing a paper. According to Deanna Love, who is a very experienced person in tutoring students who need help in how to write a paper, in the article Case Study: Importance of Prewriting, she says that the Prewriting it is so helpful and you should not skip this stage when you are writing a paper because it brings a lot of advantages and will save time later. To create a good paper you must be concentrated on your thesis statement and stay organized about what you will discuss on it.  Another advice Deanna gave it is to search concepts and key words which will help you to have a brainstorm of ideas for your paper. When you spend more time prewriting you probably will have less difficulty writing later. Other important advice is to ask your professor or the librarian if you are having problems, don`t be afraid to do it. The last thing that Deanna calls attention is the Plagiarism, you must be careful with it because it is a very serious problem in a college.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The epidemic of the Ebola in West Africa is something that we have to worry about

The epidemic of Ebola Virus can become a very dangerous threat to all people around the world. The article Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak Is 'Closing Quickly,' Official Warms by Alexandra Sifferlin says that "Groups like Doctors Without Borders that are treating patients are overwhelmed by the high numbers of cases", so this epidemic can become a dangerous problem for everyone. We don't know the real power of the nature or if we will be capable to stop the epidemic if become bigger. The humanity already passed for this kind of threat, The Black Death. devastated about one-third of the Europe population and if the epidemic of Ebola don't be stopped now, the world can be a victim of a new Black Death, so we must have more concern about this problem and pay attention on how this proceed.